The Collagen Cure presents:


Why suddenly all this talk everywhere touting the multiple benefits of collagen and its brothers, bone broth and gelatin?

Is it my imagination, or has the world suddenly awakened to collagen overnight?

collagen word map

Collagen is quickly moving from an obscure protein relatively unknown to the general public, to a nutraceutical superstar, used by millions.

Why the sudden emergence of collagen? Well, that is a consequence of the unholy alliance of modern food manufacturing and our horrible modern diets.

woman and sheep grazing

In traditional societies around the world, throughout history, whether they were eating fish or game or domestic animals, there was no part wasted. They ate the entire animal, using all of its parts. They didn’t have the luxury of throwing any of it away. This type of eating is rightly known as “nose to tail”. This was done out of necessity in lean times as well as out of tradition in almost every society around the world.

These traditions did not come about by chance, they developed because they bonded people together, while providing nutrient dense foods teeming with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, and healthy fats.

In effect, they were getting lots of collagen by eating fish and animal skins, and by making bone broth or stock with their carcasses, bones, hooves, knuckles, and other parts. These stocks and broths were also transformed into flavorful, hearty soups and sauces that were part of every traditional society’s diets.

bone broth cooking

There is a South American proverb that says, ‘a good broth will raise the dead”, and other old wife’s tales told of the benefits of bone broth for everything from a sore throat to invigorating your love life.

bone broth

Soaking and boiling beef, fish, or chicken bones dissolved the collagen out of them, as well as large amounts of minerals and other nutrients. This made a broth that was super nourishing and when done right, amazingly tasty. This type of eating along with some type of food fermentation were staples in every society in the world.

An American dentist named Weston Price noticed the differences in the mouth and facial structure of his patients from different societies, and in the 1930’s decided to investigate this for himself. He and his wife travelled the world looking at the facial structure, mouth size, tooth configurations, and smiles of native people worldwide. He also took samples of the foods they ate and drank and brought them back to his lab in the United States.

 Weston Price

The Price’s studied societies ranging from isolated valleys in Switzerland, to the Outer Hebrides Islands off Scotland, to tribes all over Africa, various South Pacific Islands, and New Zealand.

Every one of these traditional societies had exceptionally healthy people with broad shoulders, glowing skin and overall healthy physiques. They were relatively disease free and appeared devoid of the modern ills of depression and mental illness, chronic diseases, and tooth decay.

To his amazement they displayed broad smiles with good facial bone development and healthy white teeth with rare cavities.

smiling white fish

Their diets consisted of large amounts of fish, root crops, local berries, meat, eggs, and butter. They drank fermented foods and drinks of all kinds and they ate bone broth and made stews and soups of most of the animals’ parts.

school of fish

These nutrient dense foods provided them with large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins, magnesium, other minerals and trace elements, and most importantly collagen from all those dissolved body parts, bones, and skins.

“Modern Man” on the other hand, eats “cuts” of meat, boneless, skinless, and we toss away the carcasses never making bone broths by cooking animal carcasses, heads, feet, skin, and various other parts. We are thus stripping away most of the beneficial fats, minerals, trace elements, vitamins, and of course our friend collagen.

This modern diet devoid of the traditional elements of eating the entire animal, whole grains, fermented foods, and raw milk and butter has been and will continue to be a medical and societal disaster. It has resulted in our present-day epidemics of obesity, tooth decay, hypertension and heart disease, mental illness, chronic degenerative diseases, and cancer.

The tragedy is that it could have been so easily avoided by returning to our dietary and culinary roots and traditions. And the food tastes better to boot and is not grown in fields sprayed with toxic chemicals, picked by men in hazmat suits, soaked in chemical preservatives, artificial flavors, estrogens and other hormones, irradiated, and wrapped in toxic leaching plastics.

Could they be trying to poison us with anything worse than the diet we are presently being fed?

Our only answer is to take back our health by returning to our ancestral and traditional foods and drinks. That involves eating free range meats, organic vegetables, fermented foods and drinks like kefir, kombucha, yogurt, and most importantly collagen from bone broth, food stocks, gelatin, and hearty stews.

cooking bones

The good news for you is that I am going to show you how to do just that with the introduction of bone broth, gelatin, and collagen into your diet so you may reclaim your health and maybe even some of your hair.

beautiful woman

In the process you will develop
  • thicker healthier hair and nails,
  • stronger teeth and bones,
  • a healthier gut flora and GI tract,
  • healing leaky gut and food and other allergies,
  • boost your immune system,
  • cool down those aching joints,
  • smooth those facial wrinkles,
  • lift that sagging skin, v
  • reduce that cellulite,
  • and maybe even shed a few of those unwanted pounds.
This is going to be a fun journey for us to learn all the amazing benefits of collagen. In the following chapters you will learn how to utilize collagen to heal and rejuvenate your body using what I like to call “Natures Wonder Protein”.

I am in the process of completing a few more chapters of my newest book, “The Collagen Cure”. It should be on the market by Christmas, 2024.

When you complete the form below you will be the first to know when it is available and as with my other books, you will be given free access to the Table of Contents, Introduction, and Chapter 1 so you may experience my writing and know for sure if this book is for you.

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You may also have free access to a copy of the Introduction, Table of Contents, and Chapter 1 of my newest book, INFECTED, Secrets from the Medical Underground by visiting HERE.

For those of you who are concerned about your health and want to stay away from big pharma’s drugs, you may find my book “The Bible of Alternative Medicine” a valuable addition to your book collection. You may read more about it HERE.

For you preppers, my book “The Doomsday Book of Medicine” may be of interest. You may read more about it HERE.

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